Our Mission Is To LAUNCH YOUR CPO Career
At Space Coast Pool School, we know that there are other companies out there trying to sell you CPO. In fact, we’re pretty sure that you’ve seen their website or know their name. However, our goal at Space Coast is simple: 100% CPO satisfaction with lower costs.
When you choose to take an in-person, online or other pool maintenance course from us, you can rest assured that our VALUE and EXPERTISE will be unmatched. This provides total peace-of-mind knowing that you got more and paid less for CPO certification through us.

Backed by organizations like Orenda, Pool & Hot tub Alliance and more, we are the go-to choice for CPO nationwide.

Best Pricing
Why overpay for CPO certification? Space Coast Pool School as the lowest pricing WITH the best instructions. You can’t beat our value and expertie.

Most Flexible
With three unique CPO certification options to choose from, no company makes it more convenient or thorough to get trained.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
Owner Lauren Broom, CPO Certified Instructor is 100% committed to your satisfaction and positive experience. We believe that our quality is clearly shown in our 5 star reviews from pool industry pros.

Should You Be Using Orenda Enzymes In Your Clients Pool?
Check out this great video from our sponsor, Orenda Technologies and see how Enzymes might be beneficial for your clients. Then, click the link on the right and shop their entire lineup of products.
Known for quality and value, Orenda chemicals and additives can help you ensure clean pools and happy clients all year long.