CPO Chatter

Daily Chemical Logs During COVID-19
Daily Chemical Logs During COVID-19 Do I need to Maintain a Daily Chemical Log During A COVID-19 Pool Closure?? The answer is No. But only if your pool was actually closed. What does this mean??The pool should have been locked up at all points of access into...
COVID-19 & Shutting Down of Hot Tubs/Spas
COVID-19 & Shutting Down of Hot Tubs/Spas The CDC has heard from many partners in the aquatic industry about the need for guidance on shutting down of hot tubs/spas related to aquatic facility closures for COVID-19 pandemic. The closure of hot tubs/spas...
Chlorine Levels for Pool Surface Disinfection for COVID-19
Chlorine Levels for Pool Area Disinfection for COVID-19 by Lauren Broom, B.S., R.S., PHTA Instructor Household Chlorine (Bleach) Household bleach is 6% bleach active ingredient sodium...
Online Certified Pool Operator®(CPO®) Course Option
Online Certified Pool Operator® CPO® Course Option The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance is temporarily allowing full online option for the Certified Pool Operator CPO Course due to the current global pandemic of COVID-19. The format is set up as a 8 hour self paced online...
Public Pools & COVID-19
Public Pools & COVID-19 Author: Lauren Broom, B.S., R.S., PHTA Instructor The COVID-19 virus is deactivated quickly using your regulatory pool code compliant chlorine or bromine levels in pools and spas. Per CDC and the World Health Organization, there is no...
Technology in the Pool Industry: Phone App that Connects Pool Pros with Pool Owners
Technology in the Pool Industry: Phone App that Connects Pool Pros with Pool Owners Technology like phone apps, computer programs for monitoring chemical levels, and other advanced technology are and will continue to evolve. The technology can be viewed as helpful to...
Technology for Pool Safety Awareness By: Mr. Lee C. Richerson Jr. CEO Minds Over Matter LLC Here in the 21st Century we humans consider ourselves tech savvy, yet with all the high-Tech advances we have made, we still have not solved the problem of unintentional...
Animals in Florida Public Swimming Pools
Animals in Florida Public Swimming Pools Which animals are allowed in Florida public swimming pool areas? When you visit a public pool in Florida you may see any type of dog within the fenced in pool area. It does not mean this dog should be there. People love...
Prevent Childhood Drowning
Drowning: The Silent Aquatic Public Health Threat What can be done to reduce the drowning threat in our local communities? By: Lauren Broom, Space Coast Pool School, LLC Table of Contents Introduction Aquatic facilities provide exercise, recreation and entertainment...
When is an Upper Base Solution feeder needed??
https://youtu.be/F_EgwTdPi6c This video instructs pool operators in Florida on when there is a need to operate an upper base solution feeder with a Tri-chlor erosion feeder on a public commercial swimming pool. www.spacecoastpoolschool.com
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