Online Certified Pool Operator® CPO® Course Option

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance is temporarily allowing full online option for the Certified Pool Operator CPO Course due to the current global pandemic of COVID-19.
The format is set up as a 8 hour self paced online course(Pool Operator Primer) + one day Live Online Virtual Course + Online CPO Exam!!
Pool Service has been deemed as an essential service during Shelter in Place Orders in most municipalities.
Thus our pool operators still need to obtain and or renew their pool operator certification and continue their education during this pandemic.
Take advantage of this limited time offer to take a CPO Course from your own home with Space Coast Pool School!!
Don’t Let Isolation Stop Your Education!!
Format for Class:
Your CPO Online will be broken up into two sections:
1) The Pool Operator Primer (POP) –self guided 8 hour online course and completed on your schedule online
2) Live Virtual Class (LVC) 9 am – 5 pm(Eastern Time) on online platform with Lauren Broom(LIVE) Online CPO Exam Proctored
How to Register:
Pick one of the online course options and dates.
Then our company will send you all your information to get started on the POP course and the link for the online Live Virtual Class