Florida Pool Operator Mentorship & Education Program


The Pool Operator Mentorship & Education Program is designed to give education + hands-on training to those already in the pool industry and even those just jumping into the pool industry. It allows you to get your feet “wet” with actual hands on training after you have completed the Certified Pool Operator® (CPO®) Course with Lauren Broom, educational consultant with Space Coast Pool School.  Space Coast Pool School has partnered as the educational specialist along with many regional Florida experienced pool service companies to provide this mentorship & education program to the pool industry starting in Florida first.



:What’s Included In This Exclusive Program?

-PHTA Certified Pool Operator® (CPO®) Certification
Pick CPO Class off of calendar below and email me at
spacecoastpoolschool@yahoo.com which class you want to attend
*Must attend CPO Class prior to hands-on training portion of the

-One-on-one hands on training with a regional pool service operator near your        location for one work week(5 days)
You will be matched up with a pool service company in your region of

Future to the program will include online virtual training offerings on the business side of things to running a pool service business.

Program Overview and Goals

  • Education through nationally approved pool operator course to get a good background before going out with one-on-one training with mentor in person.
  • Structured, one-to-one mentor/mentee matches to share pool industry knowledge, experiences, and establish career development tools
  • Establish a link between experts in the pool industry field and those just beginning their careers
  • Expand mentee’s network through peer introductions
  • Develop a plan of action to identify strengths and weaknesses of mentee for future growth
  • Diminish isolation and exclusivity within our organization

Overview of Mentor Role

  • Develop trusting, confidential, and beneficial relationships
  • Provide feedback, industry insight, and encouragement to mentees
  • Through advise and experiences, assist mentee with personal and professional growth
  • Expand mentee’s network through peer introductions

Overview of Mentee Role

  • Work to establish a strong relationship with your mentor
  • Eagerness to learn
  • Share goals and objectives to personal and professional growth
  • Share experiences, both negative and positive, that the mentor can help guide you through
  • Seek advice in dealing with difficult people and situations